IMPULSE is the first online, undergraduate, international and inter-institutional journal for publications in the neurosciences. It consists of submissions by undergraduates that are also reviewed and published by undergraduates, under the supervision of Faculty Advisors. With an increasing emphasis in universities on undergraduate research experiences, IMPULSE offers those undergraduates who seek opportunities in neuroscientific disciplines the chance to complete the scientific process, including writing up the finished research, having it peer reviewed, and ultimately having it published in the scientific literature. Students wishing to learn about the publishing side are encouraged to join the IMPULSE review team.
IMPULSE was founded in January, 2003, by Matthew Wilkinson (Editor-in-Chief), Anita Autry, Lydia Helmick and Sohayla Roudsari, who were all sophomores at the University of South Carolina at the time. With the Assistance of William Morris (IT at the SCHC) the website was launched. Posters about the journal have been presented at all of the Society for Neuroscience meetings since 2003, as well as at the 7th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience in Melbourne, Australia, the 6th FENS Forum in Geneva, Switzerland, the 7th FENS Forum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, the 8th IBRO World Congress in Florence, Italy, the 8th FENS Forum in Barcelona, Spain, the 9th FENS Forum in Milan, and all of the southeast regional neuroscience meetings, SYNAPSE (see posters from these meetings below). The journal received its ISSN# in the fall of 2006, and was invited to join the Directory of Open Access Journals in the winter of 2007. The first Reviewer Training Site was established at the University of South Carolina; a second site was opened at Middlebury College in 2007, and a third site was created at Appalachian State University in 2008, where the website was moved in 2009. A fourth Reviewer Training site was created at Salve Regina University in 2009, and three more joined in 2010 (St. Olaf College, Furman University, and the University of the Free State in South Africa), and the number of RTS locations continues to grow.
Matthew Wilkinson (Founding EiC)
Cade Warren (Second EiC)
Benjamin Goodlett (Third EiC)
Anna Walton (Fourth EiC)
Katherine McClellan (Fifth EiC)
Kate Davison (Sixth EiC)
Miranda Cook (Seventh EiC)
Dana Cobb (Eighth EiC)
Kyle Sasser (Ninth EiC)
Rachel Sledge (Tenth EiC)
Meghan Pavelka (Eleventh EiC)
Charles Fennell (Twelfth EiC)
Charlotte Godfrey (Thirteenth EiC)
IMPULSE is affiliated with several institutions, and the website is hosted through the Honors College at Appalachian State University. The Editorial Board consists of an Editor-in-Chief, an Executive Editor, a Managing Editor, an Executive Associate Editor, Associate Editors, Publicity Editors, and a Social Media Editor. The student reviewers are from institutions around the world and changes annually as students graduate and new ones join the board.
The Editorial Board for IMPULSE currently consists of the following positions, with accompanying responsibility descriptions:
Main communication point for the general public (manages IMPULSE email site)
Main communication point for submitting authors
Helps with review compilation if needed
Arrange/oversee ASU team monthly meetings and conference activities
Distribute submitted manuscripts to AEs; collect returned reviews from AEs and send to EAE for first compilation
Review first compilation with FA and prepare for return to authors; send on to EiC
Help compile reviews as needed (shared with EAE and EiC in cases of overlap)
Sends compiled reviews and final, posted articles to RTS sites for their information
Fills in for EiC as needed, double check IMPULSE email for appropriate handling
Maintain website; keep all links active; update names; post new articles
Process new Reviewer requests (received via email or Facebook)
Maintain GoogleDocs for updated listing of current/active reviewers
Post new articles to DOAJ
Primary producer of first round review compilation from all RTS AEs
Maintain contact with AEs; establish direct, regular communication (at least monthly)
Keep track of the Reviewers (with special attention to non-RTS individuals) and send all changes to ME for website updates
Keep track that AEs are maintaining information on Reviewer contributions in GoogleDocs; inform ME of any changes to name lists
Send submissions out to all members of Review Team with timetable for return
Collect and compile individual reviews into a single review in consultation with RTS Faculty Advisor and return compiled review to the EE
Keep track of team participation and report on GoogleDocs (remove inactive members)
Distribute any final reviews and posted articles to the entire team
Devise and implement strategies to increase IMPULSE visibility world-wide
Maintain Facebook page
Post regular updates (ideally weekly)
Ensure ME knows of anyone indicating reviewer interest (EiC for submission interest)
Submissions are always open on a rolling basis, with publication immediately after acceptance. "Rolling publication" helps to ensure a degree of promptness befitting an age of swift research and publication of results.
For further questions and inquiries about submitting your article to IMPULSE, as well as questions on how to become a peer reviewer for IMPULSE, please contact the Editor-in-Chief at [email protected].
For questions and inquiries about the IMPULSE website, please contact [email protected].