Publications and presentations about IMPULSE and undergraduate publishing within the neuroscience community, as well as links to professional organizations and research opportunities for undergraduates.
Jones, L.S., Black, L. C., Meekins, C., Thakur, V., & Warren, C. (2006). An Undergraduate Course on Publishing in Neuroscience. Journal of undergraduate neuroscience education : JUNE : a publication of FUN, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience, 4(2), A60-A67. Available in PDF format.
Jones, L. S., Allen, L., Cronise, K., Juneja, N., Kohn, R., McClellan, K., Miller, A., Nazir, A., Patel, A., Sweitzer, S. M., Vickery, E., Walton, A., & Young, R. (2011). Incorporating Scientific Publishing into an Undergraduate Neuroscience Course: A Case Study Using IMPULSE. Journal of undergraduate neuroscience education : JUNE : a publication of FUN, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience, 9(2), A84–A91. Available online: PMCID3592724.
Editorial Staff have presented about IMPULSE at several conferences, both nationally and abroad. Here are a few poster presentation examples:
Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Conference Posters
SYNAPSE Conference Posters
International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) Conference Posters
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Conference Posters